The BeeGees

A randomized real person whose initials are B and G. Just for U.


what the heck?

The BeeGees is a list of nearly 3,000 real individuals whose first and last initials are B and G. From these atomic components explodes immeasurable diversity of culture and thought. Seriously. Is an essential BeeGee missing? Please review the list and submit the missing name.

What do this? Because why not? Inspired by the current AI trend and desire of anyone making anything to just-add-AI I wanted to make some small, goofy and very, very focused. My first description of this project was very dry, making it sound like more than it was…and no one called me on it. The project got likes but no one said, ‘hey, that looks like simple HTML with code to randomize the text string when the button is pushed.’ Here’s what it said…

As machine learning becomes broader in it associative and inferential awareness, I've become fascinated by the reactionary development of tools that might serve laser-focused learning needs. This is the first prototype in a possible series that aims to provoke deep questions about learning, interconnectedness, identity, artificial intelligence, and both artistic and quantum expressions of meaning.


Is this a joke?

Yes. Totally. And no. Not really. it’s a consciously ridiculous, randomized, search engine for a topic so niche that its mostly useless. But dang, Google any of these people and be dazzled. And is using this tool to find amazing people less valuable than, say, time spent on Instagram?

We can find meaning anywhere, even a page that randomly loads the name of real people whose initials are B and G. And maybe we sometimes try a little too hard to find meaning. Why B and G? Why not? The BeeGees is a joke (unlike the Bee Gees, who were amazing) and joyful acknowledgement that we overthink and find meaning in nonsense. We all do that, all the time. We find patterns in roulette tables and conspiracies. We find meaning in sunsets and a good meal. We find meaning.

So, here’s a silly little page that doesn’t use AI, serve a greater purpose, or make any sense. If you think my work is stupid this little project is likely a confirmation of that belief. If you, like me, believe we need a little nonsense to make sense of the world, then The BeeGees might make you smile. And that’s meaningful enough for me.

Special thanks to my research partner on this project, Nicholas Accettura.